Cláudia Leitão, DVM

Veterinary surgeon since 2021. Her areas of interest are orthopedics, traumatology and neurosurgery.

Her training includes several international specialty courses held over the last few years, including: AOVET princípios de manejo de fracturas en pequeños animales (Bogotá, Colombia 2022) - principle course; AOVET corrective osteotomies: pelvic limb and patellar luxation (Cremona, Italy 2022) – master course; and ciclo formativo en neurologia y neurocirurgia de pequeños animales (Málaga, Spain 2023).

Para além destes cursos frequentou várias ações de formação e simpósios em técnicas cirurgias específicas.

She began her professional career at the advanced veterinary surgery center, where she accompanied the work of Dr. Jorge Leite for about 2 years.

At the end of this period, she started the IRISH work project, where she works in veterinary orthopedics and traumatology on an outpatient basis.
